Tuesday, October 04, 2005

(100405):7:54PM This atrocious feeling

This word suddenly popped into my mind - atrocious.
One entry found for atrocious.
Entry Word: atrocious
Function: adjectiveText: 1 extremely disturbing or repellent -- see HORRIBLE 12 extremely unsatisfactory -- see WRETCHED 1
(as to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary).
As to my recent MSN messenger tagline - "Love is not a chance but a choice." When I was still in college, I always argued with my ex-professor that love was not purely a choice but also partly a feeling. We reached a common ground concluding that feelings are what we call 'spices' in this context of love but love is not merely a feeling but mostly a choice. This is where we reach the context of atrocity, the atrocity of this feeling of mine. Why atrocious? Because I'm feeling it again and I can't help it. Yes, I can help prevent it by staying away from that source of this atrocious feeling (and this is where the context of deciding comes). How difficult it is to make that decision - deciding whether to stick with it or get away from it. Another cliche: LOVE HURTS. Indeed it does - if you get to be dragged by this atrocious feeling. Arrrgghhhhh!@#! And another cliche: History repeats itself. Then again, i did not escape the atrocious feeling. Unlucky me.

(100305):1:36PM Start the day right

This is my first post. This is my second blog (friendster's blog is my first one). I have been putting my thoughts on paper ever since..i dunno eversince when.. and I keep losing the papers! Darn. Dory syndrome full blast on me!
A great day to start a great week. Mondays. Whew! We just had our sportsfest culmination. I can't help but be relieved. I've done a pathetic job as an emcee and I've bared my large forearms in our Amazing Race (NCR edition). Naks! I gotta work in reducing the weight of every adipose cell in my arms.
What a day! I woke up this morning having a severe dysmennorhea. Aside from having the Dory syndrome, I also unfortunately inherited this monthly discomfort which makes me a helpless creature every end of the month. I got out of our rented house for work and hailed a taxi (again I could not help but spend much just because of mencram). I then remembered (poof! dory syndrome level dissipated) that I forgot my wallet! I scrambled out the taxi and went back, but then I remembered that my key for the house is in my wallet! Darn. darn. darn. Taxi meter running. Mencram wailing. Asked for keys from caretaker. Caretaker forgot which set of keys were for our house! Taxi meter still running. Finally got the right one (after trying on dozens), and was finally able to get to work. Whew!
Wanna get your day right? Don't forget your house keys. And make sure to duplicate keys. Or tie your keys on your dog's neck (which reminds me to buy a dog).